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Dr. Carolina Castro Huercano
B.A., M.A., PhD
Founder and CEO
Pegasus Teacher Academy

Carolina has been an educator for more than 21 years now, in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education, in Spain, Asia, the US, and Australia. Since 2017 she has trained hundreds of educators around the world. She has also been involved recently as a Master's Dissertation supervisor at the International University of La Rioja and the Open University of Catalonia. At present, she is working on a European Project helping unemployed women in rural areas in Spain to gain basic digital competencies.

Nowadays, there is not enough investment from institutions in training and mentoring on the know-how of every new pedagogical trend that teachers are asked or decide to implement in their classes. Teachers are faced with very challenging situations and Carolina was very aware of this as a teacher herself. She decided to be involved in being part of the solution and that is why in 2017, she set up an education consultancy venture called Connected Minds Teacher Academy that then evolved into Pegasus Teacher Academy.


Ever since, she has facilitated many professional development experiences for teachers in Australia, Asia, and Europe in the areas of Project-Based Learning (PBL), active learning, digital technologies for education, soft skills, active pedagogies and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). She has coached educational foundations and whole schools on best methods to address their issues and she has also organised professional development courses with individual teachers.

Carolina is one of the few experts in PBL in Europe who is actively working on teacher training, as well as one of the few educators in the world who is proficient and experienced in the use of PBL for second language acquisition.

She has a B.A. in English language, a M.A. in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language, and completed her Ph.D. in Education in 2021, for which she obtained a prestigious international full scholarship. Her thesis was on the use of Project-based Learning in the area of second languages, at Flinders University in Australia.

When she is not teaching, she loves to hike, read and write poetry, perform in underground spoken word events and travel around the world.

She hopes that her learning experiences can inspire educators to plant little gardens of beautiful creative and critical minds all around the world that will grow and eventually become an endless forest that will populate our Earth.

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