Second Language teaching
Digital Teaching for Foreign Languages
Would you like to spice up your second language classes with free apps that make your students participate more? In this teacher experience, you will explore interactive presentation apps, virtual learning platforms, collaboration tools, language communities, multimedia forums, vocabulary building apps, and gamification strategies.
Motivando con Proyectos en Segundas Lenguas (Español)
¿Eres profesor de segundas lenguas? ¿Quieres motivar más a tus alumnos y hacerlos hablar más en clase en situaciones de la vida real?
El Aprendizaje de Lenguas Basado en Proyectos (ALBP o PBLL en inglés) aumenta los niveles de motivación en los estudiantes mientras adquieren habilidades comunicativas reales en el idioma meta en sus clases. ALBP es un enfoque de enseñanza que puede ayudarlos a hacer esas conexiones y sentirse más motivados para salir y comunicarse en situaciones auténticas y con personas reales del idioma de destino.
Creative Strategies for ESL in Primary and Pre-K
Are you teaching English or in English at school, and do you feel you need an update?
In this experience you will be exposed to tons of practice on the four main communicative skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. However, we will focus on helping you to communicate effectively in your classes, giving clear instructions and using fun games to teach English and using daily microteaching activities so that you practice first-hand the how-to of teaching in English.
Project-Based Language Learning: Projects that make them talk!
Are you a teacher of second languages, ESL or EFL, and want to find a way to motivate your student to talk and interact more? Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) is a teaching method that is reported to increase motivation levels in students while they acquire real communicative skills in the target language in your classes. You will learn step by step how to design and implement PBLL units in your classes.
Empowering CLIL with Project-Based Language Learning
When integrating content and second languages in your class you probably encounter several challenges to address, such as the lack of ability of your learners to communicate among them when working in groups, the learning and application of content-specific vocabulary, catering for different target language abilities and students' low levels of motivation in your class
Digital Teaching for the Mind and Heart
Are you a teacher who facilitates classes using digital tools or would like to? Do you want to use digital tools in class effectively in your virtual or face-to-face classes?
Come and explore the best free digital tools to boost your students’ motivation, use meaningful assessment tools and promote your student’s engagement and active participation.
Jugar juegos es natural para todos los seres humanos, nos involucran y nos ayudan a aprender mientras nos divertimos. La pregunta es ¿cómo podemos diseñar nuestras actividades de aprendizaje para que produzcan el mismo nivel de motivación y compromiso en nuestros estudiantes?
¡La gamificación es la respuesta más natural! Podemos usar elementos de diseño de juegos en contextos que no son juegos, como la educación formal.
Gamify your Class
Playing games is natural for all human beings, they engage us and help us learn while having fun. The question is how can we design our learning activities so as they produce the same level of engagement in our students?
Gamification is the most natural answer! We can use game-design elements in non-game contexts such as formal education.
Digital Teaching
Personal and Social Learning
Social and Emotional Learning: Strategies for Class and Beyond
In a world with many pressing issues, students experience high levels of anxiety, relationship challenges, and disengagement with education. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) comes to help with building positive behaviours and resilience. SEL offers effective and clear strategies to navigate challenges, improve the class atmosphere, and build a safe environment. SEL strategies can be applied face-to-face or remotely, where SEL takes even more relevance when students tend to disconnect more.
Aprendizaje Social y Emocional (Español)
En un mundo en constante crisis, los estudiantes experimentan altos niveles de ansiedad, desafíos en las relaciones y falta de compromiso con la educación. El Aprendizaje Social y Emocional (SEL, por sus siglas en inglés) viene a desarrollar comportamientos positivos y resiliencia. SEL ofrece estrategias efectivas y claras para superar los desafíos, mejorar el ambiente de clase y crear un entorno seguro. Las estrategias SEL se pueden aplicar de forma presencial o remota, donde SEL toma aún más relevancia cuando los estudiantes tienden a desconectarse más.
¿Te gustaría ayudar a estudiantes LGBTQIA+ y no sabes cómo?
Existe evidencia preocupante de que los estudiantes LGBTQIA+ en instituciones educativas a menudo sufren acoso debido a su identidad de género y/o sexualidad. Además, las investigaciones indican que los educadores con frecuencia no toman medidas frente al sesgo anti-LGBT y a menudo no están preparados para abordar estos problemas. Esto puede llevar a varias consecuencias negativas para ellos, desde un mal rendimiento académico hasta problemas de salud mental. La buena noticia es que hay cosas que los docentes y las instituciones educativas pueden hacer para ayudar a la juventud LGBTQIA+ a enfrentar estos problemas y ser verdaderos aliad@s.
Social and Emotional Learning: Strategies for Class and Beyond Finland Summer Edition 2024
In a world with many pressing issues, students experience high levels of anxiety, relationship challenges, and disengagement with education. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) comes to help with building positive behaviours and resilience. SEL offers effective and clear strategies to navigate challenges, improve the class atmosphere, and build a safe environment. SEL strategies can be applied face-to-face or remotely, where SEL takes even more relevance when students tend to disconnect more.
Supporting LGBTQIA Youth at Schools
There is concerning evidence that LGBTQIA students at educational institutions often suffer bullying because of their gender identity and/or sexuality. Besides, research indicates that educators regularly fail to take action in the face of anti-LGBT bias and are often not equipped to address these issues. This may lead to several negative consequences for them, from bad academic performance to mental health issues. The good news is that there are things that teachers and schools can do to help LGBTQIA kids to face these issues and be true allies.